Oasis Ministries
Empowering tomorrow's generation today.
Oasis Ministries began in November 2016 . Earlier that year our lead pastor, Apostle Regina, began sharing her vision: to start a new church ; a Jesus-centered community for believers and doubters, where we can ask difficult questions and wrestle with the tensions and struggles of practicing an ancient faith (Christianity) in a modern world; a community that values simplicity and spiritual practices in our life together; and a church that’s deeply connected to the word of God.
In August 2016, we began meeting on Thursday nights to worship, pray, and study the word of God. These gatherings were often times made up of 4 people.
Apostle Regina had been ministering in South Sudan for 7 years when she returned to Kenya in 2015. Her desire was to answer a call to begin another Church in Kenya, This is how she had ended up in South Sudan then back to her home country, Kenya, to begin yet ministry (Oasis Ministries).
During these home gatherings, we felt the need to begin a Church as more and more people began to join us to fellowship. Apostle Regina’s residence soon could not hold the number of people who gathered to fellowship.
It was at this point that the need to have a Church became more evident. We felt a divine calling and obligation to seek a place where the LORD’s flock could gather. But we kept asking one another one question: ‘What is a church?’ We needed to truly understand this before we could take any step to begin a Church. Each week we studied in great length, the book of Acts and the Epistles of Apostle Paul. And each week, the answer we kept hearing from the book of Acts was that the church is nothing more, and nothing less, than the expansion of Jesus’ work in the world.
So we set out to extend the work of Christ to the world. It was in November 2016, that we finally found a long-term residence where we could build a Church, in Komarock area, Nairobi, Kenya where we built the Oasis Ministries, named as such not because the Church had extended to the whole world, but because we purposed to expand Jesus’ work through out the world.
Matthew 28:19,
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,…”
In November 27th of 2016, we gathered for the first time in our new space. We give thanks to the Most High for having a home. We’re an independent, non-denominational church. We trust the Bible as it points us to Jesus, and we trust the The Creed as a guiding interpretation of what it teaches.


Apostle Regina

Sr. Pastor:
Rev. Smartika Tech Mwangi

Church Chairman:
Mr. Rodgers

Youth Chairman:
Mr. Isaac

Mrs. Tabitha

Mrs. Carol

Praise & Worship:
Miss Elizabeth

Miss Joyce

Head of Committee:
Pastor Ephantus

Committee Rep :
Pastor Andrew

Committee Rep :
Mrs Josephine